Artist News – The skincare company, Tan Skin, responded to a subpoena about their product that Mayang had just sent.
Gil Gladys as the marketing director seems to have decided to ignore this subpoena from Mayang.
Want To Take Firm Action
To netizens, Gil Gladys admitted that she would report Mayang back to the police because she was considered to have tarnished Tan Skin’s good name.
He initially said that he did not want to prolong the problem with the late Vanessa Angel’s sister, because she gave a negative review about Tan Skin products.
However, because Mayang’s reporting was wide and detrimental to Tan Skin’s production, his party finally chose to take this case to court.
“We’ve checked that there was a purchase in the name of sister Mayang, and at first I thought that young people might speak fluently,” said Gil, from one of the videos on the KH INFOTAINMENT YouTube channel, on April 5, 2022.
“But now things are getting hotter, I think this is too much.”
“I did not want to prolong this problem, now I feel that this has gone too far, so I am forced to take firm action,” he said.
Gil Gladys also admitted that she was forced to take firm action because she didn’t want the name of the Tan Skin product to be bad in the community.
“I feel like my good faith was misinterpreted, thought I was afraid, I was weak, like that,” said Gil Gladys.
“Because of that, I have to act decisively because I don’t want Tan Skin’s name to be bad.”
“Tan Skin has been called the bad one, told to be skipped because the product is not good, now also summoned for various other reasons.” continued Gin Gladys.
Even so, Gil Gladys could not explain further about the back report.
“We’ll just report back. I can’t share yet. Anyway, I will report back if the accusations made by those there are baseless,” Gil explained.
“We will report everything back. We will immediately make a police report this week,” he added.
Mayang Sends Subpoena to Tan Skin
Judging from one of the videos posted on the KH INFOTAINMENT YouTube channel on April 2, 2022, Mayang and Farhat Abbas as his lawyer sent a subpoena to Tan Skin.
In a press conference, Farhat Abbas said that his client felt wronged by Tan Skin.
“We have made a written subpoena where we will see developments with answers about what their actions will be,” said Farhat Abbas.
“About things that have happened to or harmed our client, Mayang,” he continued.
Farhat confirmed that the summons had been sent on April 2, 2022.
Now, Mayang and Farhat Abbas are waiting for the goodwill from Tan Skin skincare.
“Yes, today the subpoena has been sent, a copy is there,” said Farhat.
“We give them time to apologize to Mayang so that Mayang’s name can be rehabilitated again,”
Mayang is known to have reviewed the production of Tan Skin.
He felt disappointed because his face had a breakout after using the product.
Feeling disapproved, the beauty product also uploaded Mayang’s personal data as the buyer.
Personal data that is distributed by Tan Skin is the full name, type of goods, until the time of purchase.
“Essentially, on March 29, the product through official social media has posted personal data from our clients,” explained Farhat Abbas.
“Where the documents contain the full name, the type of goods that have been purchased, and also the time of purchase,” he said.
In the subpoena, Farhat assessed that Tan’s party had allegedly violated the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (UU ITE).
“This act is suspected to have violated the articles of the ITE Law,” he said.
Mayang Gives Message So People Be More Careful In Choosing Skincare
Mayang Lucyana Fitri or who is often called Mayang confides that she experienced a breakout after using skincare with the initials T.
Not wanting what happened to other people, Mayang opened her voice and advised people to be more careful in choosing skincare.
“Indeed, the initial intention was to share, for the women out there, I hope you are more careful in using skincare.”
“Even though I know that skincare is compatible,” said Mayang from the Celebrity Oncam News YouTube channel on March 31, 2022.
Mayang openly admitted that she was a victim of that skincare product.