Siregar’s son, who is a celebrity and a businessman, was recently reported to be involved in a criminal case. Precisely on March 2, 2022, Putra Siregar abused a person named Nur Alamsyah. The incident was located at a cafe in Senopati.
Ahmad Ali Fahmi, Nur Alamsyah’s attorney, told reporters that the incident occurred at around 2 am. “Because we don’t want to apologize, we report it to the police,” said Ahmad Ali Fahmi, April 13, 2022.
As a result of the dispute, Nur Alamsyah reportedly suffered serious injuries to the jaw. According to Achmad Ali Fahmi, it was due to a blunt object collision.
Rico Valentino’s Engagement
This case not only ensnares the name Putra Siregar but also a celebrity named Rico Valentino. In the report, which is accompanied by attorney Nur Alamsyah, Putra Siregar and Rico Valentino, they are subject to Article 170 of the Criminal Code regarding Beating and face a maximum prison sentence of five years and 6 months.
Son of Siregar Denies Self Defense
Although it has been reported that they have been molested, Putra and Rico Valentino have different stories. Lawyer Nur Alamsyah reported that his client was beaten for no reason, but Putra Siregar actually said that Rico Valentino was beaten first.
After being announced as a suspect in the beating at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Wednesday, April 13, 2022, Putra Siregar explained that it was Nur Alamsyah and his friends who beat Rico Valentino.
“Rico wants to be ganged up by people, I defend the fight,” explained Putra. The owner of the PS Store also explained that when he arrived at the cafe, he saw that Rico was already battered and almost lost his life. Therefore, Putra Siregar rushed to help Rico Valentino.
Putra Siregar : I’m Not Drunk
Putra Siregar admitted that he kicked Nur Alamsyah with the excuse of defending Rico Valentino, who was already in the first round. He also emphasized that doing these actions consciously and not controlled by alcohol.
“No, I’m not drunk,” he said. Tio from Putra’s family is also sure that her brother was not involved in the beating and does not drink alcohol. “The main thing is that Putra is clean,” he said when interviewed in the Condet area, East Jakarta, Tuesday night, April 12, 2022.
However, Tio did not dare to comment on Putra’s statement saying that he was here to reconcile. Tio reasoned that she couldn’t make many statements for fear of being wrong. He completely left the case to the lawyer they had appointed.
Police Explanation
Through a press release, the South Jakarta Metro Police Chief named Putra and Rico Valentino as suspects. “This incident occurred when a criminal incident occurred at the CD cafe, together they carried out violence in public,” said Kombes Pol Budhi Herdi Susianto.
The police explained that both the victim and the perpetrator were in the cafe and that some of them were drinking. The incident was triggered when a female friend of Putra and Rico Valentino came to Nur Alamsyah’s table.
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It is not known what the woman discussed with Nur Alamsyah. However, Rico Valentino was not happy and went to Nur Alamsyah. Rico Valentino then took the beating, followed by a similar action by Putra Siregar.
In the cafe’s CCTV footage that has been checked by the police, Putra kicks and pushes Nur Alamsyah. This video recording strengthens Putra’s involvement in this case.
There was a peaceful effort from Nur Alamsyah’s party
After the incident, the police admitted that the victim did not immediately report to the police. “(Nur Alamsyah) only asked for a visa, we asked why he didn’t immediately report it to the Police?” explained Kombes Pol Budhi Herdi Susianto during a press conference.
It turned out that Nur Alamsyah initially hoped to take the family path. However, until two weeks had passed, neither Putra nor Rico Valentino responded to the efforts made by the victim.
“On March 16, this case was officially reported to the Police, then an investigation and investigation of this case was carried out,” continued the Police Chief. Thus, Putra Siregar and Rico Valentino officially become suspects and face a maximum sentence of 5 years in prison.