Gossip Info – The mother of YouTuber Maell Lee immediately panicked when her son was suspected of being a person with the initials M who bought exciting photos from Dea OnlyFans.
The police seem to really want to complete the exciting photo case of Dea OnlyFans.
Despite having made Dea a prisoner, the police are now revealing the figure of Dea’s customer with the initials M.
Maell Lee Shares Screenshots of Chat With His Mother
M is called a public figure who has a comedian career.
Maell Lee’s name was also dragged along and was suspected of being the M figure. Because of this, the mother became panicked.
From his Instagram post, it was revealed that Maell Lee was asked by his mother about whether he bought Dea OnlyFans’ exciting video.
To his mother, the YouTuber who also works as an actor admitted that he was not the one accused of being a comedian with the initials M.
Maell shows a screenshot of the contents of his chat with his mother.
“Dek, is it true that the initials M are you?” said Mrs. Maell Lee on April 6, 2022.
“Astaghfirullah, not mom,” said Maell Lee.
“Isn’t it true that you bought it?” His mother replied wanting to make sure again.
“Duh, not mak…Istigfar makk,” said Maell Lee.
Then Maell Lee captioned that he was not a comedian with the initials M who bought exciting videos.
Maell Lee’s reaction to his mother’s question looks funny in the eyes of the blue tick account owner and netizens. The way Maell Lee denied when his name was associated with a person with the initials M who bought Dea OnlyFans content made many netizens laugh.
“Bang malle really has to be suspected,” joked one netizen with a laughing emoticon.
“That’s why bro, just change your name to Naellee,” continued another netizen.
Mael Lee Was Surprised When There Was News Of Him Buying Dea’s Exciting Video OnlyFans
The case of Dea Only Fans really made people excited.
It all started when the police investigated Dea OnlyFans for allegations of pornographic content.
If proven true, then Dea OnlyFans will be threatened with imprisonment.
Dirkrimsus Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Auliansyah Lubis explained that the woman, known as Dea Onlyfans, was arrested for frequently transacting pornographic content.
Netizens became excited when news circulated that the comedian with the initials M bought 76 Dea Onlyfans videos.
Maell Lee admitted that he was sad because his mother asked him if he bought the Dea Onlyfans video, it was revealed from Maell Lee’s Instagram account.
Maell Lee was also shocked that he was in the news because of the accusations.
“See, now it’s in the news,” said Maell Lee on his Instagram.
Maell Lee said that he got into the news because of his mother.
“Because of my mother,” he said.
Now, the public is still waiting for the continuation of the Dea Onlyfans case.
New Description of the Case of Dea Onlyfans
The pornography case of Dea Onlyfans entered a new chapter.
Investigators of the Cyber Sub-Directorate of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya have confiscated the Google Drive account of Dea Onlyfans on April 5, 2022.
In that drive, there are dozens of pornographic photo and video content belonging to Dea.
Now, a woman whose full name is Gusti Ayu Dewanti has been officially named a suspect in a pornography case.
So far, Dea has been spreading her exciting videos on the Onlyfans platform.
Dirkrimsus Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Auliansyah Lubis said that in total there were 76 photos and videos of Dea not wearing clothes.
“We have confiscated Google Drive from the person concerned,” said Auliansyah Lubis.
“We found 76 videos and pictures of him naked,” continued Auliansyah Lubis to the media crew at Polda Metro Jaya, Jakarta, on April 5, 2022.
To the police, Dea admitted that the exciting content was deliberately stored so that he could commercialize it.
Auliansyah Lubis then leaked that there was a comedian with the initials M who bought pornographic content from Dea OnlyFans.
That Information Said Directly by Dea
“After research, there is 1 famous comedian with the initials M. M bought the video,” said Auliansyah.
Comedian M transacts the content directly, without any intermediaries.
Dea said that the comedian M bought a number of exciting photos and videos.
“Buy it directly from the person concerned,” added Auliansyah.
Auliansyah said that his party would call comedian M.
The summons was made to find out to what extent M was involved and whether he contributed to spreading Dea’s pornographic content.