Artist Gossip – Lucinta Luna finally posted her new face after she had facial surgery in Korea.
On Boy William, Lucinta Luna admitted that she had just had head change surgery (head surgery).
Do not want to be blasphemed by Warganet
Lucinta Luna’s confession made Boy William surprised.
“What are you doing head surgery?” said Boy William from a video on the BW YouTube channel on April 7, 2022.
“In Korea, there is a trend of head change surgery.”
“I’m sorry, people who are ugly if they have money can just be (beautiful or handsome),” said Lucinta.
Even though it’s been explained, Boy still doesn’t understand the reason why Lucinta Luna underwent the operation.
Spending 100 thousand won, Lucinta hopes that her face can be as beautiful as her idol, Lisa BLACKPINK.
Lucinta Luna claimed to be the first Indonesian artist to perform this head change surgery in Korea.
“I’m the first Indonesian artist to do this operation.”
“Especially because I’m a big fan of my idol,” added Lucinta.
“Who is your idol?” replied Boy.
“Lisa BLACKPINK is it,” said Lucinta while half screaming.
As if he still couldn’t believe the confession, Boy continued to pry Lucinta’s story.
The fiancé of Karen Vendella asked if Abash’s ex-lover was not sad because he had to throw away his old face.
Lucinta admitted that she was sad because her old face was no longer there. That’s what made Lucinta repost her old portrait on Instagram.
“Are you not sad because your old face is gone?”
“To be honest, I’m sad, because yesterday I was nostalgic on my Instagram.”
“I took it from archive, uploaded ‘bye-bye Lucinta Luna’,” explained Lucinta.
Although sad to have to leave his old face, he said that this had to be done.
Lucinta said she no longer wanted to be the laughing stock of people because of her old face.
“What do you want? I don’t want to be like before, to be made a clown, to be blasphemed.”
“I want a new one with a new head, a new face,” continued Lucinta.
Lucinta Luna’s Action After Performing Surgery in South Korea Becomes Trending
The name Lucinta Luna was trending on Twitter on March 31, 2022. It turns out that many netizens paid attention to Lucinta’s actions while still in South Korea.
It is known, Lucinta Luna went to South Korea to undergo plastic surgery.
Precisely on March 23, 2022, Lucinta showed off the bandage attached to her head. He also said goodbye to Lucinta.
Even though his head was bandaged, it didn’t stop Lucinta Luna from acting in various ways.
Lucinta Luna also danced in her room and in public.
“Day 5 … it turns out that the Queen of Eternity can already prance, so I can’t wait to unbox my new head,” wrote Lucinta in her personal Instagram account, @lucintaluna_manjalita.
Not only dancing in public, Lucinta Luna also opened a QnA (Question and Answer) session.
The answers from Lucinta were very entertaining for netizens. Several screenshots of Lucinta’s answer went viral on Twitter social media.
Finally, Lucinta’s face also began to be shown. He had recorded himself not wearing a bandage on his head.
Unfortunately, at that time Lucinta was still wearing a filter.
Therefore, Lucinta’s face after plastic surgery in South Korea has not been seen clearly.
He also admitted that he couldn’t wait to publish his new face.
“The Queen of Eternity has been born, wandering around the world suddenly, boo.. How will one Indonesian react when they see the impermanence on the face of this new Queen of Eternity, can’t wait, can’t they?” said Lucinta.
After Plastic Surgery Looks Like Lisa Blackpink, Lucinta Luna Intends To Install An Endorsement Rate Of 5 Billion Rupiah
After undergoing facial plastic surgery which he admits is similar to Lisa Blackpink, now Lucinta intends to put an endorsement fee of 5 billion rupiah.
The nominal is valid for 1 year of endorsement.
This was revealed by Lucinta when she was a guest star on Boy William’s YouTube channel, on April 7, 2022.
“How much did you endorse once with your new face?” said Boy William.
“One year 5 billion rupiah,” answered Lucinta.
Lucinta emphasized that the price was non-negotiable.
“Can you bargain? asked Boy.
“No, there are no offers,” said Lucinta Luna.