Celebrity Info – Senior artist Krisna Mukti was recently reported by Tessa Mariska for a case of cheating on social gathering money, it was found that Krisna Mukti was suspected of not paying the arisan money with reports of alleged fraud and embezzlement of arisan money amounting to Rp724.6 million.
The 53-year-old man who is now also known as a politician who needs big funds to register for legislative candidates has been participating in the social gathering since 2018 and has received 180 million after deducting the 70 million dowry.
As a result of the report on June 3, 2022, Krisna Mukti was seriously affected because her work was hampered. Many postpone and cancel work due to reporting from Tessa Mariska.
“What has been disseminated in the media has really damaged my good name, my work has started to stall and even some work contracts have been cancelled,” said Krisna Mukti.
Feeling aggrieved by Tessa Mariska’s reporting, Krisna Mukti reported back because she did not accept being called cheating and embezzling the arisan money managed by Tessa Mariska.
Chronology of the Case that ensnared Krisna Mukti
Initially, Krisna Mukti participated in the social gathering in 2018 because she really needed a lot of money to prepare to become a legislative candidate in 2019. She admitted that it was the first time she participated in the social gathering so she felt a little embarrassed.
“I’m honestly embarrassed to join social gathering and this is the first time I’ve joined social gathering in my life,” said Krisna Mukti.
He admitted that he needed 15 billion in cash when nominating candidates, the money certainly could not be obtained directly, so he chose the option to join the social gathering.
At the Rumpi No Secret event, Feni Rose responded to Krisna’s statement about the reason she used someone else’s name to join the social gathering. She used the name Kiki Astrid to join the social gathering.
“I got 180 million because 70 million was cut for the dowry, I also don’t know what the dowry is for. But it’s okay, I got that much,” Krisna said.
It is known that Krisna had received an arisan of 180 million in 2019 and was then sued by Tessa Mariska in 2022. Krisna admitted that he had consulted with Tessa Mariska regarding the lack of arisan.
He admitted that the arisan payment was smooth every month but because of the pandemic it was a bit difficult and in the end he had discussed with Tessa Mariska then Tessa agreed to bail out the arisan fund first.
“Once the pandemic started, it started dragging on, until finally I asked sister Tessa for leniency that in the end I was a bit backwards. It’s okay to compromise, deliberation and consensus have agreed that he is a city he wants to nalangine first, “said Krisna.
Tessa Mariska has also agreed to pay for Krisna’s shortfall in advance as a form of responsibility as chairman of the social gathering. In November 2021, they had agreed for Krisna to repay Tessa.
Krisna admitted that he was surprised because so far his installments to Tessa Mariska had gone smoothly according to the agreement, suddenly Tessa Mariska reported him without any warning. That made Krisna disappointed because he didn’t go through a good process.
“Actually, there is no problem, until last week there was no problem because I was able to pay the installments quite smoothly. There is no wind, no rain, I have been reported, so there is no summons,” said Krisna.
Until now the unpaid installments are 120 million, Krisna has to pay the full 250 million even though he only got 180 million because he had to cut the dowry.
Accompanied by his attorney, Krisna said that he decided to report back to Tessa Mariska for the articles of defamation and slander.
“Nothing has been published yet as if Krisna embezzled 720 million,” said Krisna Mukti’s attorney.
The actual incident was not that Krisna embezzled 724.6 million, but that he had not returned the lack of arisan installments and the nominal amount was the total amount of the lack of arisan money from five people who had not paid, including Krisna.
Krisna’s attorney also explained that Krisna had also made a statement of accounts payable whose documents were also brought as evidence. Krisna said that this was civil, not criminal because there was written evidence.
He also admitted that he had paid the installments this June, although not all of them. From Tessa’s side, Mariska reported Krisna with a criminal charge and Krisna also reported Tessa with a criminal report as well.