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Iqlima Kim Allegedly Admits Harassment by Hotman Paris, Now Requests Legal Protection

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Celebrity World – Hotman Paris’ former personal assistant (aspri), Iqlima Kim, admitted that he had experienced sexual harassment by the person who was his boss. While working with Hotman Paris, Iqlima said he had been invited to check in a hotel. Now, she is asking for protection from the Ministry of Women and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia (PPPA).

Iqlima Kim Report to PPPA

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The woman from Sukabumi, West Java, is known to have sent a subpoena to Hotman Paris Hutapea. After that, accompanied by lawyer Razman Arif Nasution, he reported the problems he was experiencing to Komnas Perempuan and KPPA to get legal protection.

“I have been contacted by the PPPA Ministry, tomorrow at 9 am I will try even though I am sick, I will try that sister Iqlima will come to the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia,” he said when met by Liputan6.com at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday 11 May 2022.

Iqlima Kim Reportedly Has Depression

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The problem of sexual harassment experienced by Iqlima turned out to be disturbing her health. Razman Arif Nasution said that his client was depressed and fell ill.

“Iqlima Kim sent to me that he had bleeding from his nose and mouth, I’m actually really sorry that it bothered him so much,” he continued.

Vomiting blood

Through his personal Instagram account, Iqlima Kim told that he was sick strangely. Iqlima Kim felt chills and bone pain. Because he felt unusual pain he was ruqyah by an ustadz.

“That night the attack came again until finally after the attack was over, I called the ustadz for sharia ruqyah. Diruqyah lah. And I threw up. And vomiting blood was accompanied by maggots (nauzubillah),” wrote Iqlima Kim on Instagram story, May 11, 2022.

Ministry of PPPA’s Response

Iqlima Kim’s report also received a good response from the PPPA Ministry. “But before reaching the police, Kim was asked for support from many parties. Because he asked for invitations and others and I thank the Ministry of Women for responding,” said the young lawyer.

After this he also plans to take the case to Komnas Perempuan. “He saw that the women’s ministry had gone viral, so he asked for verification, tomorrow I will try, after that we will go to the women’s protection commission again (Komnas Perempuan), and also the child protection commission,” he continued.

Denies Pansos accusations

Hotman Paris had denied the accusations leveled against him and accused Iqlima Kim of being a social climber Social Security. Regarding this, Iqlima Kim’s lawyer said that his client was really sexually harassed.

“So this is not an opinion drive, but it is related to the relevant agencies, so that later when a report is made, it will be completely empty,” said Razman.

Hotman Paris rebuttal

Previously, since this news circulated Hotman Paris had denied the allegations of sexual harassment that he had committed. Recently, through his Instagram story, he said that he had even helped Iqlima Kim who was sick at the time.

“On February 23, 2022 Putri Iqlima Aprilia alias Iqlima has a serious sore throat and coughs. Hotman quickly sent a car and driver and 1 secretary to pick up Kim’s iqlimah for a PCR test at Mitra Kelapa Gading Hospital,” said this senior lawyer, Wednesday 11 May 2022.

Wonder Why Get These Accusations

Hotman wondered why Iqlima actually accused the people who had helped him. “So at the end of February, Iqlima Kim was treated by Hotman, why suddenly in April Kim made accusations that there had been harassment around mid-February 2022,” he said.

Hotman claimed to have paid for Iqlima Kim’s medical expenses. “He was treated by Hotman with full responsibility. Of course, even though the medical costs are small, they are paid by the secretary of his staff, Hotman. Wait for the legal process,” he continued.

Conversation Proof

Hotman Paris proved his help by sharing a conversation whatsapp with Iqlima. “Look at the date, it’s almost the end of February 2022. So how can it make sense that you suddenly allege that harassment occurred in mid-February 2022? Wait a little longer because the legal process has started,” he said.

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