Latest News – Haji Faisal, the father of the late Aunt Andriansyah, openly said that he was reluctant to deal with Doddy Sudrajat again. What Doddy Sudrajat has done so far has hurt him. He explained all of that when he was a guest star at Intense Investigations, Tuesday, May 10, 2022.
Upset with Doddy Sudrajat
As has been widely discussed in the media, Doddy Sudrajat has often made controversial statements about his besan. Haji Faisal as the father of Aunt Adriansyah was annoyed because Doddy repeatedly discussed the disgrace of his son and Vanessa Angel.
“Why do I get in touch with Mr. Doddy? If he wants to stay in touch, it’s up to me, frankly, I don’t have any interest in him anymore,” said Haji Faisal when asked if he had been in touch with Doddy Sudrajat this year.
Not Forbidden to Meet with Gala
Even though he was reluctant to communicate with his grandson, H. Faisal said that he would not forbid Doddy Sudrajat from meeting his grandson, Gala Sky Andriansyah. “But if he wants to come see his grandson, yes, please. But for me, I have no interest in him,” said this skipper in Tanah Abang.
“If he wants to come to see his grandchildren, there’s no problem, what’s the problem. But I am, I will avoid it, if I am personally, “he continued bluntly.
Don’t want to bother
Doddy Sudrajat previously also filed an appeal to the West Jakarta Religious Court regarding Gala’s custody and guardianship rights. Even so, H. Faisal firmly said that he did not want to deal with Mayang’s father.
“To be honest, I personally don’t want to deal with him anymore, with his appeal, I personally don’t want to deal with him again,” he said.
He also asked Doddy Sudrajat to start correcting himself and repent to God. “Please correct yourself if you don’t repent to God,” he said.
The best way
H. Faisal was annoyed with Doddy’s inconsistent attitude. Moreover, Doddy often vilifies Haji Faisal’s family. Because of that, according to him, cutting off communication with Doddy Sudrajat was the best way.
“I don’t want to communicate anymore, why would I communicate with people like that. He said A then later in the afternoon B again, the signature was canceled, canceled, what are his responsibilities as a man,” said Fuji’s father.
With an annoyed look on his face, Haji Faisal said that he and his wife Dewi Zuhriati, felt often lied to by Doddy Sudrajat. Haji Faisal said, “Because there have been so many times, I feel like I’ve been lied to in every word he says. That’s in my opinion. Start from the beginning first.”
One example of his frustration was when Doddy Sudrajat agreed to hand over his guardianship and custody rights to Haji Faisal. Doddy also signed the decision in court. However, some time later Doddy actually canceled his intention.
530 Million Insurance Signature
Haji Faisal felt many irregularities. In order to be able to take care of Gala Sky, he even signed a Prudential insurance policy belonging to Vanessa Angel and Aunt Andriansyah to be disbursed by the besannya.
“He handed me a letter to sign the disbursement of Prudential’s insurance worth 530 million rupiah. After I signed the letter, the right of the guardian was canceled in court. How I was lied to,” said Haji Faisal through a video interview broadcast on YouTube Squid, Monday 9 May 2022.
Insurance Money Running Question
After Doddy asked him to sign the disbursement of the insurance policy, he also handed over a photocopy of his and Dewi Zuhriati’s ID cards. However, until now H. Faisal has not received a progress report regarding the disbursement of the Prudential insurance policy by Doddy Sudrajat.
“Now where is Prudential? Which cop is that? If it’s already liquidated, where is the money? You have to ask that. So that’s why since then, I think a lot of lies against me. That’s my opinion,” concluded Haji Faisal in the video interview.