Ayu Ting Ting Confessed to Be Sick While Undergoing Umrah, Here’s the Story of her Departure to the Holy Land

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Celebrity World – The singer of the song “Fake Address”, Ayu Rosmalina or who is familiarly called Ayu Ting Ting is currently undergoing Umrah in the holy land of Mecca. He also invited his mother, father, daughter and close relatives when performing Umrah this time.

The moment of Umrah worship was shared on Ayu Ting Ting’s Instagram account @ayutingting92 and her mother’s account, Mrs. Umi Kalsum @mom_ayting92_ which was seen uploading several portraits of Ayu and her family.

In Umi Kalsum’s upload, she is seen with her husband Abdul Rozak or who is often called Ojak’s father and Ayu’s only daughter, Bilqis Khumairah Razak. They are in front of the Kaaba. Not to forget Ayu also uploaded a similar photo.

Ayu Ting Ting’s Family Departure Moment


Previously, Ayu’s family had uploaded a video regarding their departure to the holy land of Mecca which was uploaded on the Qiss You TV Youtube channel. Ayu and her family ask the citizens for prayers so that their Umrah trip goes smoothly.

“We want to get ready, God willing, today we want to carry out Umrah, pray that everything will be smooth, healthy, worship is smooth, Mabrur, arrived safely, return to our homeland safely, Amen,” he said.

Ayu’s extended family appeared to have gathered to pray for their family to go smoothly when performing Umrah. Rozak’s father also seemed to ask for blessings from the extended family.

Ayu’s umrah group wore orange suits and scarves of the same color. The reporters also seemed to be waiting in front of the gate and interviewed Ayu’s family who were going to perform Umrah.

Before leaving for the airport, Ayu’s family gathered to pray together for smoothness. The prayer was led by a trusted member of Ayu’s family. After praying together, the family group departed.

Ayu Ting Ting is not feeling well when she arrives in the Holy Land

Bringing the family, Ayu Ting Ting is leaving for Umrah today

Arriving at the holy land, it was reported that Ayu was not feeling well, the news was conveyed by Ayu Ting Ting’s sister and mother. They asked for prayers for Ayu to get well soon and continue her Umrah.

Syifa, Ayu Ting Ting’s sister, answered netizens’ questions on Instagram Story regarding where her sister was, because on the first day of Umrah, Ayu was not seen together in the photo.

“Many people ask where Ayu’s drops are. When I arrived in Medina, I didn’t feel well,” said Syifa.

Likewise with Umi Kalsum, Ayu’s mother who uploaded an Instagram Story when she was with her grandson, Bilqis. Umi revealed that Ayu was sick so at that time Bilqis was praying for Ayu Ting Ting to get well soon.

“Grandson of a smart mother, pray for Ayu’s mother to get well soon. Hopefully it will be granted, Iqis,” wrote Umi Kalsum in her Instagram Story upload.

In addition to telling about why Ayu is not seen much, Assyifa Nuraini also tells the reason why her sister fell ill. Syifa revealed that Ayu had had a high fever and was vomiting.

“His body is hot, he is vomiting, he has a headache,” said Syifa.

The next day, Ayu Ting Ting appeared at the Grand Mosque to perform Umrah, but it was very clear that Ayu Ting Ting’s face still looked sad. Even so, Ayu Ting Ting continued to perform the umrah.

Umi Kalsum reported that Ayu Ting Ting was healthy and kept on giving thanks because Ayu Ting Ting’s condition had improved. He walked around the Kaaba holding his grandson.

“Alhamdulillah, mother is healthy, O Allah, Alhamdulillah, O Allah,” said Umi Kalsum.

Ayu Ting Ting also gave the good news directly from her personal Instagram, she reported that she was getting better and thanked her for praying for her.

“Alhamdulillah, thank you for all the prayers, thank God God is good and I thank God I’m back in good health, amen,” wrote Ayu Ting Ting on her Instagram Story.

Ayu Ting-Ting seemed more active in uploading her activities during Umrah than the previous day. He shared the moment when he walked in the area of ​​the Grand Mosque with his father, mother, children and family.

While at the door of the Kaaba, Umi Kalsum also shared a moment when her family prayed earnestly. Ayu Ting Ting looked serious praying beside her mother, as did Umi Kulsum.

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