Aaliyah Massaid and Angelina Sondakh 2352

Scorned as a former corruptor, Angelina Sondakh: I’m grateful I’m still insulted

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Angelina Sondakh finally returned to the screen after being released from prison in March 2022. However, it was not the welcome she received. The wife of the late Adjie Massaid has become the target of netizens as a corruptor.

Many people branded him as a thief of public money because of his involvement in the Hambalang corruption case. Nevertheless, the former Miss Indonesia 2001 tried to calm down in dealing with the situation.

“That’s natural, because it really means that I don’t want to judge them either. Because I better correct myself. I’m grateful that I’m still being insulted,” said the guest star on channel Maia Al El Dul TV YouTube, Tuesday 12 April 2022.

Angelina Sondakh seemed reluctant to respond at length regarding the insults he received. The mother of Keanu Massaid also admitted that she just wanted to introspect and improve herself.

Form of Abortion

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After serving a sentence of 10 years in prison, the public did not immediately forget the mega corruption case that was carried out by Angelina Sondakh. This Australian-born woman is always associated with the case.

However, Angelina Sondakh hopes that the insults received are a way to erase her sins. “God willing, this insult will erase my remaining sins. Hopefully with their insults, I will still be cleaned by Allah SWT and keep reminding me that in fact I am only an ordinary human being,” he continued.

Angelina Sondakh Wants to Repent

Angelina Sondakh read Al Baqarah’s letter while explaining that insults were a form of reprimand. And that is a sign that God still loves him.

On the same occasion, the woman who was born on December 28, 1977 said, “So maybe it’s because of people’s insults and insults that God wants to love me because he doesn’t want me to be lulled by a big stage. So I keep my head down and believe that this life has only one goal, upwards.”

He also emphasized that he wanted to repent completely. His choice to strengthen his faith, made him feel that neither humiliation nor imprisonment was any longer karma for him.

Can Only Control Yourself

Angelina Sondakh feels that she will not be able to control other people’s comments, including Indonesian netizens. Thus, he just wanted to learn to control his heart to be more patient with all trials.

“All I can control is my heart. I hope my heart doesn’t insult other people. Not insulting other people. If other people come to me that’s okay. The important thing is not to tell other people,” he said softly.

The decision for her private parts is also not easy considering her parents are Christians. Angelina went through a long learning process while in prison. Until he finally believes that Allah has covered his disgrace too much, so covering his aurat with closed clothes is not difficult.

Because her disgrace has been exposed, Angelina actually feels relieved because she doesn’t have to wait for karmic baggage. “And I feel like I don’t have karmic baggage anymore because my karmic baggage has been running,” he continued.

Studying Jurisprudence in Prison

During his time in prison, he learned a lot about Islamic jurisprudence. At the Pondok Bambu Jakarta Rutan, after studying religion for four years, Angelina decided to wear the hijab.

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“I’m in the third or fourth year. So there are also fiqh lessons in prisons. So we are trying to study Islam in theory which we actually practice,” he explained to Maia Estianty.

Become Moderate

With parents who are both non-Muslim, Angelina Sondakh must be moderate. “But the direction is that I’m moderate. Because my father is a Christian, I can’t possibly eliminate my parents from my life and ignore them,” he said.

So far, only her parents regularly visit Angelina Sondakh while in prison. This made Angelina even more fond of her father and mother.

“I have to be able to place myself while my parents really love me. They are the ones who are left behind, who come every week two or three times, my parents,” he said.

Even though she was shocked to see her child wearing a hijab, Angelina Sondakh admitted that his father had accepted him at this time.

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