Nathalie Holscher

This is Nathalie Holscher’s condition after suing for divorce from Sule

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ARTISKINI – Recently, the entertainment world was shocked by the news of a divorce lawsuit filed by Nathalie Holscher against her husband, Sule. After the lawsuit was filed, the younger brother of Nathalie, Jordy Rama, revealed his brother’s condition.

Nathalie Holscher’s Sister’s Response

Nathalie Holscher

Currently, Jordy Rama mentions that Nathalie Holscher is in good condition. The divorce suit was filed by Nathalie Holscher against Sule at the Religious Court (PA) Cikarang, West Java, last Sunday (3/7/2022).

Even though it’s fine, Jordy also revealed that it was possible that his brother was experiencing extreme vulnerability. It’s just that his brother is a closed person, so he is good at hiding his feelings and wants to look okay.

“Brother’s condition is actually fine. If you say it’s fine, maybe not, yes. It’s just that he’s good at hiding his expression, isn’t he? So, it looks fine.” said Jordy Rama, sourced from the Intense Investigation YouTube channel, Monday (11/7/2022).

Furthermore, as a younger brother, Jordy admits that he is also very sorry because the household that his brother fostered with Sule only lasted a lifetime and is now on the verge of separation.

“If you regret, it’s very unfortunate, because all problems can be resolved properly,” said Jordy Rama.

Not without reason, Jordy admitted that he felt sorry for Adzam, the son of Nathalie Holscher and ule who was still small.

“I’m sorry Adzam, I think so,” Jordy continued.

Nathalie Holscher and Sule have a deal

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Not a sudden decision, the divorce between Nathalie Holscher and Sule was already agreed upon by both of them. In fact, they have discussed various things that will happen after the divorce occurs, one of which is about the income that Sule gives to Adzam every month.

Although divorced, Sule still promised to be responsible by providing a living for their only child. The nominal income that Sule promised was Rp. 25 million per month which was intended to meet Adzam’s monthly needs.

This was revealed bluntly by Nathalie Holscher when she was a guest on Uya Kuya’s podcast, on Saturday (9/7/2022). Apparently, this had been discussed by Nathalie Holscher and Sule ever since he decided to leave Sule’s house.

“The month he gives Adzam, he gives the monthly nominal for Adzam RP25 million per month,” said Nathalie Holscher.

In addition, there was also an agreement made by the two shortly before Nathalie Holscher finally left Sule’s house. They promised to take care of and raise Adzam together, even though he was no longer husband and wife.

“There has been an agreement to mutually take care of Adzam. They both take care and educate Adzam,” added Nathalie Holscher.

Chronology of Nathalie Holscher Sues Sule

Previously, it was reported that Nathalie Holscher left Sule’s residence because she had problems with Sule’s daughter, Putri Delina. This problem led to Nathalie Holscher’s decision to file a divorce suit against Sule at the Cikarang Religious Court.

The PA Cikarang, represented by Maman Suherman, did not deny the news and has confirmed that Nathalie Holscher has filed a lawsuit against the famous comedian and presenter.

“So it’s true, yes, the Cikarang Religious Court has accepted a lawsuit in the form of esourt,” said Maman Suherman, last Thursday (7/7/2022).

Apparently, Nathalie Holscher did not go directly to the Religious Courts to file a lawsuit, but online or ecourt. The lawsuit was also not filed by Nathalie Holscher herself, but through her attorney.

The divorce suit was officially filed on Sunday (3/7/2022).

“Based on his lawsuit dated July 3, 2022 on behalf of Nathalie Holscher against Sutisna.” continued Maman Suherman.

Not long after, the lawsuit immediately received a response from the Cikarang Religious Court on July 5, 2022.

“So, the lawsuit has been verified by the Cikarang Religious Court on July 5, 2022,” explained Maman Suherman.

The plan is that the first trial for the divorce of Nathalie Holscher and Sule will be held on Wednesday (20/7/2022).

Although many regret this, both Nathalie Holscher and Sule have reached an agreement to separate. Until now, Putri Delina still gets a lot of negative comments from netizens regarding the divorce of Nathalie Holscher and Sule.

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