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Suti Karno is accused of marrying the same sex, as long as there is no evidence I deny it

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The Artist’s World – Suti Karno’s accusations of same-sex marriage have recently surfaced again. The younger brother of Rano Karno admits that he often hears about this issue.

He conveyed this when he was a guest on Deddy Corbuzier’s podcast on (26/4/2022) yesterday. Suti Karno, who is currently 56 years old, confirmed the allegations made against her.

The question was started by Deddy at the 46th second, “Yesterday’s news came out everywhere telling that Mbak Suti Karno was married to the same sex. The news is everywhere.”

With a relaxed but firm face, Suti asked Deddy, “I asked again, yes, sir? Is there a container here? Who wrote it?” asked Suti.

Suti admitted that she had always looked tomboyish in appearance. It has been seen since Suti was little. However, Suti did not feel accepted when she was accused of marrying the same sex.

Suti Karno is the son of the old actor Soekarno M. Noer. His two older brothers, namely Rano Karno and Tono Karno are also actors.

Following in the footsteps of her older sister, Suti debuts as a film actor My teacher is so beautiful in 1977. At that time he was still in elementary school.

Tomboy Style Suti Karno

Suti Karno Enters Hospital, Rano Karno Asks for Prayer All Pages -

Suti herself admitted that she was a tomboy. He chose the tomboy style because since childhood he was comfortable in this style.

Suti is synonymous with her simple appearance, short shirt, and short hair. At first glance, he looks like a man. He did not deny about his appearance.

“My appearance is a tomboy, sir. Many people have guessed what I was like. But they asked, I only answered that if it’s true, that’s my business with God, not yours,” said Suti to Deddy Corbuzier.

Suti Karno explained that her tomboy appearance has been around since she was little. Although many people ask about her tomboy character. His tomboy style is often suspected of being gay.

Male Birth Certificate

In the Deddy Corbuzier podcast, the woman who is usually called Mpok Atun tells about her childhood. One of them is about birth certificates. He told of the difficulty of getting a birth certificate.

“Because I was a tomboy when I was little, my birth certificate was only a boy. The deed was finished, my mother said. Yes, there is evidence, yes. That’s why I was confused when I went to London. I asked my mother, ‘Mom, how come I have a male certificate? Yes, it’s over.” said Suti.

Suti herself indicated that her birth certificate was male. This happens because when taking care of the women’s birth certificates, they run out. His mother was forced to make a male deed for him.

This caused Suti difficulties when she was going to London. He needs to ask many things about himself to his mother, Istiarti M. Noer.

Accused of same-sex marriage

Because of his tomboy appearance, Suti was accused of liking the same sex. Especially when he decided to become a single parent.

“Is there really, sir, the container here?” Suti asked Deddy.

Suti’s question to Deddy Corbuzier started from news almost 20 years ago that resurfaced. One of the reporters asked Suti about her sexual orientation.

“So I’m confused how they can judge like how? Do they have evidence? They have witnesses? We can’t just talk. As long as there is no evidence, I can still deny it, please,” he explained.

Suti was confused about the issue of same-sex marriage that hit her. He questioned the figure who pioneered the issue. He also questioned the evidence as well as witnesses.

According to Suti, as long as there is no valid evidence, Suti has the right to maintain her disapproval. So he can deny it.

Tough Figure

He is now 55 years old. However, Suti is a strong woman.

It is evident from the various activities that he usually does alone. Starting from cooking, driving a car, to doing men’s work, such as installing tiles.

Having a loving nature, Suti herself also has two adopted children. The two children he raised alone until adulthood. To continue his life with his child, Suti Karno once migrated to Bangka.

Limiting his activities in the entertainment world, Suti Karno also established a food stall which he named “Mpok Atun Restaurant”. With that name, Suti herself manages and becomes a cook in her simple shop.

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