after the divorce trial, aufar hutapea kissed intimately olla ramlan SliqKy4V4v

Olla Ramlan seen holding hands with Aufar Hutapea while attending their divorce trial

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Dunia Artis – The new chapter of the divorce trial for the two lovebirds, which has been long anticipated, is that this lovely couple has finally arrived. After yesterday trying to establish peace between the two sides, but in the end they decided to separate.

In his first divorce trial, Olla Ramlan was seen holding hands with Aufar Hutapea while attending a trial on Monday 4 April 2022 at the South Jakarta religious court.

Olla Ramlan Looks Intimate When Attending Divorce Trial

after the divorce trial, aufar hutapea kissed intimately olla ramlan SliqKy4V4v

From the observations of journalists in the field, Olla looks still intimate with her husband, Aufar Hutapea. They were seen holding hands when they arrived at the location, even though they came in separate vehicles. The familiar impression is still highlighted by the two people who will be separated.

Olla Ramlan started arriving at the location at around 09.24 WIB driving a white Alphard car. She looks fashionable by wearing a black blazer complete with brown veil with natural make up. He came accompanied by his attorney, Maruli Tampubolon who accompanied him next to him.

When he was about to enter the courtroom, Olla took the time to greet the media crew who took the initiative to ask his condition. They asked “Mbak Olla how is her condition now?”, then Olla Ramlan answered briefly “Healthy” he said to the media crew.

This short answer was then responded by his attorney with a joke. “Of course it’s very healthy. If at this time she was sick and unwell, it would be impossible for Mbak Olla to walk alone. Of course he had to use a stick to come here,” he said.

Not long after that, at around 09.44 WIB, the husband, Aufar Hutapea, began to approach Olla. He wore a batik top and black pants. He came and immediately walked towards Olla Ramlan with sure steps.

Interestingly, when they entered the courtroom, the couple, who was blessed with two children, seemed to get along very well. Aufar Hutapea seemed to greet Olla Ramlan while embracing him. After that they then hand in hand to their divorce courtroom.

As is known, Olla filed for divorce from Aufar Hutapea in the South Jakarta religious court on Wednesday, March 23, 2022. In the lawsuit he filed, he asked for custody of their child to fall into his hands. Because she felt capable of taking care of their two children and she was his biological mother.

Aufar Looks Kiss Olla Ramlan After Their Divorce Trial

The inaugural trial of the divorce of Olla Ramlan and Aufar Hutapea is very interesting to observe. Judging from their movements during the interview session after the trial, they still continued to show their affection. Aufar continued to embrace his wife while the lawyers were giving statements to the media crew present.

When asked about the intimacy that is still shown in the middle of their divorce process by the media crew. Aufar only answered with words that indicated that their current relationship was like that of good friends. “We’re besties, right?” said Aufar briefly.

Then after finishing the interview session with the media crew, Aufar immediately gave Olla Ramlan a kiss on the cheek. After a brief kiss, they finally parted ways to go home by using their respective cars. This is what attracted the attention of the media crew who felt that the two lovebirds were still intimate even though they were going to separate.

Prior to the holding of the first trial of their divorce, there was a mediation carried out for the two of them so that they would not separate. However, this mediation between Olla and Aufar was deemed a failure. For the next agenda, their trial will be held again on April 11, 2022 with the agenda of reading the lawsuit.

Also read: Olla Ramlan has a principle of leaving her husband playing with women, what is the reason for her divorce with Aufar?

News about their disharmony has long been sniffed by the media, but when asked usually Olla will show a defense and say that they are fine. But it turns out, lately Olla seems to have given up on defending their household. Until he decided to file for divorce from Aufar Hutapea.

The inner turmoil that Olla had experienced was also briefly revealed in her Instagram story. He asked for support from various parties to wish the best for his family. He also hopes that whatever happens in the future is a process that must be passed as well as a path to a happy future for himself and his family.

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