Marshanda has a breast tumor

Marshanda Infected with Breast Tumor, Give This Message to People

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Latest Gossip – Currently, it is reported that one of the country’s artists, Marshanda, is suffering from a breast tumor. Marshanda conveyed the news through the MARSHED YouTube channel on May 30, 2022.

“I have a breast tumor,” said Marshanda delivered in English.

Even though he is sick, he admits that he doesn’t want other people to be worried because of his condition.

“I don’t want you to be worried, just pray,”

“I really love you guys,” continued the woman who has the familiar name Chacha.

Marshanda’s Facts

Marshanda has a breast tumor

Related to this, Marshanda flew to Singapore for treatment of his illness.

He told that he was not afraid at all of this tumor disease that plagued him. He believes that everyone has a time limit in life.

Even so, he admits he sometimes feels pain in his body.

“I’m not afraid. There are times when I have to pay,” he said.

“Physically, in the breast area (which has a tumor) I sometimes get sick,” he continued.

Marshanda has told his condition to the family. She also conveyed this news to Ben Kasyafani, who as we all know is her ex-husband.

Marshanda and her ex-husband got married in 2011 before finally breaking up in 2014.

They also had a child at that time, namely Sienna Ameerah Kasyafani.

“I’ve spoken to my uncle, my ex-husband,” he said.

For his illness, Marshanda wants people to pray for him.

While holding back tears, Marshanda said, “For those of you who believe in God, pray. But, for those who don’t believe, give me a positive aura,”

Marshanda also said that he had accepted that his life span was short. He was trying to stay strong to face the disease.

Marshanda Still Trying Harder Against Cancer

Marshanda Reveals Breast Tumors, Here Are 7 Facts - Hot

However, Marshanda is also trying to heal himself by undergoing treatment.

“For example, if I die after this live ends, I don’t have a problem,” he said.

“I ask, if I really am going to die, I will try but also put my trust in it. I’m not someone who gives up without doing anything. I also went to Singapore because I wanted to fight,” he continued.

In the YouTube video he made, he also expressed his hope at the last moment, which was to be reunited with his father before his illness got worse.

But, for now, He is still trying hard to maintain his health condition.

“I want to meet my father before I do anything. That’s why I went to Singapore to see if I still had a chance to live a long life,” he said.

To the princess, Sienna, Marshanda also left a message. He himself had explained his condition to his son.

He even made a song dedicated to Sienna.

“For Sienna, if one day you watch this video, remember, we talked about many things at the last moment. I also gave you a song that I made myself, listen to that song, okay?” he said.

Marshanda hopes Sienna can pray for her in the future. He also said he was happy now, and if he had to die, he wanted his son to be sincere.

“Remember, I’m happy now and later when you’re gone, you’ll be happy too. If Sienna prays for you, you will dance in heaven,” he said.

Hearing the news of this, many netizens expressed their pity and sadness. There was even one netizen who commented that he had always suffered throughout his life.

But he didn’t want people to pity him.

“Don’t say ‘poor’, because I’m a fighter and I’m proud of myself,” he said when doing an Instagram live on May 30, 2022.

“Earlier, someone said, ‘Marshanda was bullied when she was in elementary school, when she opened her hijab, all Indonesians were immediately blasphemed, dancing was also blasphemed, child custody was lost, after that there was another breast tumor’, “he said reading one of the comments from a netizen. .

From his point of view, all the bad things he has been through in his life made him a strong human being.

“Without your suffering, you would not be the person you are today. Without being bullied, without any parental divorce,” he said again.

Because of all the problems that befell him, he has become a person who has a strong and great personality compared to before. He can also dare to reveal that he suffers from bipolar.

“If there were no bad events, I would not be the first public figure to talk about his mental illness and his struggle to recover in front of everyone,” he said.

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