Lucinta Luna Uploads Halu Video Shot by Fadly Faisal, His Face Makes You Stunned: So Beautiful!  |  Eyes |  LINE TODAY

LEGITIMATE! Lucinta Luna Comes to Fadly’s Residence to Apply, Ready to Enliven with Marawis Drum and Crocodile Bread!

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Artist News – Lucinta Luna is back at it again. This time he made a fuss by teasing Alm’s sister-in-law. Vanessa Angel, Fadly Faisal.

It’s exciting on the timeline, Lucinta Luna’s action is actually considered entertaining the netizens. In fact, Lucinta was willing to go to Fadly’s residence to ask for the blessing of her parents, Haji Faisal and Dewi Zuhriati.

Both H. Faisal and Dewi, both of them are known to be friendly by many people. They welcomed the arrival of Lucinta Luna with friendly and happy faces.

By wearing Muslim clothes and hijab, Lucinta took the two of them to take a photo together. He also sungkem to H. Faisal and Dewi Zuhriati to get their blessing.

Lucinta admitted that she was very happy because she got the blessing of Fadly’s parents. Through his Instagram account he uploaded the happiness.

Not only that, he also conveyed the signal of his happiness by marking H. Faisal’s family account. Lucinta also claimed to have received a positive signal from Fuji (Fadly’s sister) to propose to her brother.

“Thank God, I got the green light, got the blessing of Mrs. Haji pa haji, my future father-in-law… sungkem first with mama papa @dewizuhriati @opah_faisal yesterday, yesterday I got blessing from @fuji_an… I’m now the ideal son-in-law aii @fadlyfsl_soon, let’s go straight to the application using the marawis drum pa hajj faisal, wrote Lucinta on his Instagram account @lucintaluna_manjalita on Friday (22/4/2022).

Lucinta Luna Asks for Blessing

Lucinta Luna Uploads Halu Video Shot by Fadly Faisal, His Face Makes You Stunned: So Beautiful!  |  Eyes |  LINE TODAY

Lucinta Luna came to H. Faisal’s residence to ask for his blessing. She looks super pretty dressed up while wearing a brown hijab.

Lucinta Luna did sungkem to Fadly’s parents. Lucinta bowed politely and shook hands with both of them. With his trademark humorous style, Lucinta also emits her male version of the voice.

“Thank God, I finally met my future in-laws again. Mrs. Hajj, assalamualaikum Mrs. Hajj, bless me, Mrs. Haji. Thank you hajj. Mr. Hajj, bless me Mr. Haji. Hopefully it will be sakinah mawaddah warohmah,” said Lucinta to H. Faisal and Dewi Zuriati.

To capture the moment, Lucinta uploaded a 20-second video on her Instagram account. Don’t forget that netizens are also busy making comments on Lucinta’s actions. Not a few netizens who actually focus on the male version of his voice to invite laughter.

“Sound of duel mode,”

“The queen of the Kodam in front of the in-laws can’t be controlled, right?”

“Hahaha, laugh!”

“Laugh until you pee,”


Lucinta Luna’s action got the attention of the audience. Many Warganet approved the application action. It is proven that this video has been seen by 2 million Instagram viewers and has received 76.1 thousand likes from citizens.

Signal with Fuji

The day before, both Lucinta and Fuji were seen together. Apart from being related to LUCINTA TV’s content which revealed “Fuji & Thoriq’s Marriage Clarification”, the two were also seen making Tik Tok content together.

They seem to do dance battle performing Willow Smith’s song ‘Wait A Minute!’ remixed version.

“finally, dekkk, let’s battle dance collabs @fuji_an,” wrote Lucinta in her uploaded video (21/4/2022).

While the signal of blessing from Fuji was also expressed by Lucinta during a visit to H. Faisal’s residence the day after the two collaborated.

“Yesterday I got the blessing of @fuji_an,” said Lucinta.

Special request

After receiving the blessing of H. Faisal and Dewi Zuriati, Lucinta became more and more aggressive in giving Fadly codes to immediately propose to her. Without a doubt, Lucinta also made a special request to Fadly.

“Aii @fadlffsl_ immediately, we will immediately apply using a marawis tambourine drum to pa haji faisal’s house, “continued Lucinta.

As a complete application, Lucinta offered Betawi crocodile bread to complete the procession of the two proposals. Considering that Lucinta is from Jakarta and Fadly is from Padang.

“Later Lucinta will come with big crocodile bread, okay… bismillah… later live on @opraentertainment… @rlklopper becca don’t be jealous, kiddo… I’m the winner,” continued Lucinta.

Lucinta promised to bring big crocodile bread for Fadly. Not only that, he will also carry out the application directly on the Opra Entertainment channel, the agency that made his name.

Getting a response from Fadly because he felt that Lucinta Luna was fighting for him, he also marked Rebecca Klopper’s account @rlklopper. The account is Muhammad Fadly’s real girlfriend.

“@rlclopper HOW? Green light?”, Fadly asked giving a signal to Rebecca Klopper to respond.

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