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Desy Ratnasari Nassar Proposed, Setting or Reality? Here’s the Clarification

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Latest Gossip – Senior artist Desy Ratnasari is reportedly close to the dancer who is often dubbed as King Nassar. The two have been invited on several occasions together and asked how their relationship is.

King Nassar admitted that he admired Desy Ratnasari for her maturity as a woman who was elegant and intelligent. King Nassar also admired Desy’s smile.

“Desy tea if you smile is amazing,” said King Nassar.

Both of them are not ashamed to express their admiration for each other, when asked about the figure of Nassar who approached him, Desy Ratnasari did not mind responding to it.

“Nassar is an organized person and very careful with his actions, he predicts the possibility of what will happen if he takes an action,” said Desy Ratnasari.

Admiration for each other

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Desy’s answer is consistent on this matter because it is not the only time she has been asked what she thinks about Nassar approaching her. Many support the closeness of their relationship, including Ruben Onsu who also invited Desy to his Podcast.

When asked by Ruben Onsu about romance, Desy did not provide complicated criteria. He just wants a life partner who takes care of his prayers.

“It’s not grandiose, it’s important to pray, but it’s not just prayer, it’s not serious, the prayers are solemn, the sunnah prayers are like that because you’ll be a priest later,” said Desy.

He also doesn’t want a lot of drama if he chooses a life partner because according to him those times have passed, he wants a husband who accepts him and can build a household together.

Ruben Onsu as Nassar’s colleague also admitted that Nassar really admired Desy from the bottom of his heart.

“But it’s true, during a break from filming, if the story about Desy is serious, Muji’s beauty is also serious,” said Ruben Onsu.

When met at the Trans TV studio, Desy was again flooded with questions about her close relationship with King Nassar and how about the continuation of their relationship. Desy admitted that she left it to God.

“If it is God’s opinion that he (Nassar) surely God will show him. So I don’t want to be sure, I leave it to God,” said Desy.

According to him, in his current era he does not want to immediately decide whether this is good or bad because everything takes time and must believe in God’s provisions. He also said that he could not confirm his relationship with Nassar.

When asked who was approaching Desy Ratnasari’s figure, he admitted that many had approached him, but those who had stated that they were already married. Nassar hasn’t said what he means directly to Desy, so it doesn’t count.

“Those who say are those who already have a wife, if Nassar is single, but he hasn’t yet, so it hasn’t been counted,” said Desy with a laugh.

Desy Ratnasari’s Friends Support Each Other

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Desy Ratnasari’s friends also support her if she wants to rebuild her household after past failures.

“Many of my friends have introduced me to being single, thank you very much to my friends who are concerned about this. But sometimes those who select don’t do this, don’t do that,” said Desy.

Nassar, who was the host at an event that morning was also present there, he was also asked about his relationship with Desy and how far King Nassar’s figure has gone.

The hosts also asked whether King Nassar often contacted Desy Ratnasari, Nassar replied that he had never called Desy. Nassar respects the busyness of the politician and public figure.

“I always monitor Dessy tea activities on social media, that’s what makes Dessy tea different because we have to understand people’s activities,” said Nassar.

He admits that when he wants to contact Desy sometimes it doesn’t happen and he really thinks about whether to interfere or not.

“I want to chat, sometimes stringing these words doesn’t work,” added Nassar.

Some time ago, it was discovered that Nassar had sent a cake as a sign of introduction to Desy Ratnasari, which was then uploaded to Desy’s Instagram Story. Likewise with Desy who brought gifts for Nassar from out of town.

The closeness of Nassar and Desy Ratnasari has also been given the green light by Desy Ratnasari’s only child, Nasywa.

“As long as you’re happy,” said Nasywa, daughter of Desy Ratnasari.

Nassar said that Nasywa was a good child and respected him. This made Nassar a little relieved.

“Nasywa’s child is good and wants to talk, right if you don’t respect it, you can see it,” said Nassar.

This was also confirmed by his mother, Desy.

“If Nasywa is the type, maybe because Nashwa is already big, the important thing is that her mother is happy. Happy means that whoever becomes my partner will accept me,” said Desy

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