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Complete Chronology of Conflict between Gofar Hilman and Singer Arian13

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Artist News – Abdul Gofar Hilman or familiarly called Gofar Hilman is again in the public spotlight. This time he clashed with his former business partner at Lawless burger outlet, Arian.

Arian’s open letter to Gofar Hilman uploaded on April 15, 2020, starting with the sentence: Lo is problematic. More than 11,000 accounts shared the letter written by Arian. Arian and Gofar Hilman’s names became trending topic twitter.

Gofar Disappointed with Arian

Arian uploaded an open letter to GH through his personal website Arian wrote the letter in response to the content Grind Boys Eps.4-Gofar dan Lawless which was published by Gofar on his YouTube channel on April 6, 2022.

In this content, Gofar shared about his relationship with his partner at Lawless which broke out after the case of allegations of sexual violence that befell him. In that content, Gofar also mentioned a lot about Arian who is one of the founders of Lawless.

As is well known, Gofar was expelled from Lawless shortly after his name went viral as a perpetrator of sexual violence. After the incident, Arian, who is also his best friend, never contacted Gofar and that made Gofar disappointed.

“What I regret is especially Arian, he believed I did that. He’s the only person who never WhatsApp asked how I was doing. Ucup is for sure, Sammy is still there, Ronny is firm at the table behind Japri to help,” he said on his YouTube content.

Gofar Hilman Feels Challenged by Arian

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The allegations of sexual violence against Gofar Hilman have disrupted a lot of his work. According to Gofar’s statement, for months he could not find a job.

Arian, who was his best friend before this case appeared, is also hostile to him. What he remembers the most at that time was when Arian sent him a message which read, “If you want to make me a scapegoat, try your best!”

“Wow, this is challenging,” said Gofar on the same occasion.

Arian Attacked by Gofar’s Fans

After Gofar Hilman’s content rose, many parties, especially Gofar fans, gave up the grinning vocalist. Both on Arian’s Twitter and Instagram, the hashtag #ArianOut has been buzzing, indicating that netizens want Arian to leave Lawless.

Attacking Gofar’s fans even made Arian have to lock his Twitter and Instagram accounts. It was only after more than a week that Arian released an open letter to answer all of Gofar’s accusations.

Open Letter to Gofar Hilman

Lol that’s problematic. is the first sentence Arian wrote for Gofar. According to Arian, Gofar has been problematic since the beginning and there are cases that have worsened Lawless’s business image. The sexual assault case that was accused of Gofar Hilman also contradicts the business principles of Lawless Burger.

“There are things that are very contrary to our principles, which then interfere with what we have worked so hard to build,” said Arian in his lengthy writing.

Warning to Gofar

In the viral letter, Arian also explained that he and his friends had reprimanded Gofar for a long time for his behavior. In fact, before the issue of sexual harassment cases emerged, precisely since 2013, Arian felt that Gofar was far from working on building Lawless Burger.

“We are fed up. You haven’t brought up the good name of the company many times, so I’m sorry if we have to let you go,” said Arian.

Siding with Victims of Sexual Violence is Must

Arian repeatedly explained that there is no word but in favor of victims of sexual violence. Even if the culprit is a friend. In addition, the settlement methods carried out by Gofar were also judged not to be in accordance with the principles they believed in.

“We all have to side with the victims and survivors of sexual violence. Meanwhile, all your actions and the way you respond to this case are against all of them,” said Arian.

No More Responses from Gofar

Gofar’s disappointment due to Arian’s attitude was also addressed. According to Arian, separation from friends due to incompatibility is common. Especially if it relates to the principles that are believed.

However, in closing the letter, Arian hoped that Gofar would change for the better. “You go your own way, I will continue my own way. I wish you nothing but good things,” he wrote. So far, there has been no response from Gofar.

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