
Appeal Granted, Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie are Officially Free from Rehab Homes

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Artist News – Indonesian celebrity couple, Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie, have now been declared free by the police. Nia, Ardie, and the driver are known to be involved in drug abuse cases, so they were sentenced to undergo rehabilitation for 8 months.

All three were considered cooperative during the arrest process and underwent good rehabilitation. Although previously reported to have filed an appeal to the Supreme Court, last March 2022. The goal is to ease the 1 year sentence.

The court’s decision ultimately commuted their sentences. The three of them underwent 8 months of rehabilitation at the Fan Campus, Cisarua.

The news of the freedom of this celebrity and businessman couple was successfully conveyed by the lawyer. According to him, Nia Ramadhani and Ardie’s sentences have expired. Now Nia and Ardie are recovering their condition somewhere.

“Yeah, they’re back. The beginning of yesterday’s fast. It’s been resting somewhere.” said the lawyer, Wa Ode Nur Zainab to the media crew (21/4/2022).

The verdict after Nia Ramadhani and Ardi file an appeal


The Supreme Court responded to Nia Ramadhani and Ardi’s appeal last month through a decision letter issued on March 29, 2022, number 34/PID.SUS/2022/PT DKI.

The letter stated that it accepted the appeal filed by the lawyer, Wa Ode Nur Zainab at the wishes of the public prosecutor and the defendants.

Furthermore, the contents of the letter also stated that the decision of the Central Jakarta District Court dated January 11, 2011 Number 770/Pid.Sus/PN regarding the decision on number 2 had changed, so that the sentence they should have received was changed to a lighter one.

The ruling reads as follows:

“Declare that Defendant I Zen Vivanto, Defendant II Ramadhania Ardiansyah Bakrie, Defendant III Anindra Ardiansyah Bakrie have legally and convincingly proven guilty of committing a criminal act of abusing narcotics Category I for oneself which was carried out together,”

“Ordered the defendants to undergo treatment and/or treatment through medical and social rehabilitation at the Cisarua Fan Campus Rehabilitation Institute, Bogor Regency for 8 months each, which is calculated entirely with the rehabilitation period the defendants have undergone,” continued the contents of the decision letter.

Lawyer Explanation

Responding to questions from various media, Wa Ode Nur Zainab admitted that he was relieved to be free of the clients, namely Nia and Ardi.

To the media crew, Wa Ode explained the client’s freedom and the sequence of appeal decisions they had previously received.

“So on the Supreme Court’s website, the cases of Mrs. Nia, Mr. Ardi, the driver Mr. Zen Vivanto have actually been dismissed, on March 29, 2022,” Wa Ode said.

“The decision (appeal) has been in place since March 29, and we have received notification of the decision. The verdict is 8 months of rehabilitation, the verdict, ” he continued.

“Eight months on March 10, so when the appeal decision was past the verdict. So if 8 months is from July 10, 2021, if 8 months it means March 10, 2022. Now the decision will be on March 29, but when sentenced to 8 months it’s already finished. It’s been more than 8 months already.” said Wa Ode Nur Zainab Thursday (21/4/2022).

In the statement, Wa Ode confirmed that Nia Ramadhani, Ardi Bakrie, and Zen Vitranto (the driver) had been serving their sentences since July 10, 2021.

According to him, the 8-month sentence was effective from July 10 last year and should have ended on March 10, 2022. Even though the Supreme Court’s decision was down on March 29. This means that the end of Nia Ramadhani and Ardi’s rehabilitation period does not contradict their appeal.

The Beginning of the Arrest

Although it has been declared that they have finished the rehabilitation process, they cannot be said to be completely free.

Previously, Nia Ramadhani was arrested by the police on July 7, 2021, at his residence in the Pondok Indah area, South Jakarta. Starting with the arrest of the driver, Zen Vivanto, both Nia and her husband were affected.

Nia Ramadhani and her husband are suspects after they were found to have smoked 0.78 grams of crystal methamphetamine. The case led to the three, Nia, Ardie, and Zen being sentenced to 1 year in prison for the decision of the Central Jakarta District Court.

However, the three of them did not accept it. They appealed to the Supreme Court, so the sentence was lighter. Nia, Ardie, and Zen are known to have undergone 8 months of rehabilitation at Fan Campus, Cisarua Bogor, West Java.

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