63264 Wenny Ariani Suaracomismail

Wenny Ariani confides with Denny Sumargo, feels the same fate as fighting for the truth and children’s rights

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Celebrity Info – Wenny Ariani confided in Denny Sumargo about his case with Rezky Adhitya regarding Wenny Ariani’s child who needed recognition as the biological child of Rezky Adhitya. It is known that Wenny Ariani had a relationship with Rezky Adhitya in the past.

Wenny Ariani Trying to Find Justice

63264 Wenny Ariani Suaracomismail

After Rezky Adhitya married and lived happily with Citra Kirana, Wenny Ariani tried to find justice for her son’s status. Wenny Ariani is sure that Rezky Adhitya is the father of his child.

In the past year, Wenny has been fighting for justice for her son until Rezky Adhitya opened up about this hot case. Rezky Adhitya’s party is ready to do a DNA test and Citra Kirana is also ready to accept whatever happens.

After the clarification, Wenny Ariani tried to explain what actually happened to Denny Sumargo. It is known that Denny Sumargo was involved in the problem of being accused of impregnating a woman in his past.

At that time, Denny Sumargo was accused of impregnating Verny Hasan, which made Denny Sumargo’s career as a basketball player dim a few years ago. Denny had fallen because of these accusations and finally wanted a DNA test.

The accusations against Denny Sumargo turned out to be unproven, but he felt at that time his life was a mess for six years until finally in 2019 it was announced DNA tests from Denny Sumargo and Verny’s child.

While on Denny Sumargo’s podcast, Wenny Ariani admitted that one of the reasons he wanted to appear on Denny’s podcast was that they had the same case, although not exactly the same.

“My first reason is because I like watching your podcast, the second I feel we are in the same case even though it’s not exactly the same. It even looks the opposite but I applaud you for daring to do a DNA test,” said Wenny.

This actually invited questions from Denny Sumargo regarding the news that Wenny no longer wanted to do a DNA test after Rezky Adhitya clarified. Wenny tried to explain the real story from the start.

Wenny Ariani said that in fact he did not want to raise his problem to the media and the reason he only spoke up when his son was eight years old was because now his son has begun to understand and ask who his biological father is.

“Initially I wanted to be on good terms without being covered by the media, my uncle contacted Rezky’s father but there was no response. Before there was a lawyer, I also tried to convey my intentions to Rezky but there was no response,” said Wenny.

Wenny’s Response About Looking For Money on This Case

Denny Sumargo asked how Wenny responded about him being said to be looking for money in this case because he felt he had run out of money to support his son. Wenny also replied that he didn’t care about money because when he was down until he had to live in boarding houses, he didn’t look for Rezky at all.

“In the past, I was completely sold out, my assets were sold. From the beautiful cottage, I have to stay with my child. No money to buy milk. Am I looking for Rezky? I’m not really concerned about money,” said Wenny.

Wenny’s case is a civil case and must ask for immaterial and material losses. Wenny Ariani said it was taken care of by his lawyer because he had to follow the applicable legal provisions.

“This case is a civil case, so there must be a nominal claim, I don’t really understand that it is handled by my lawyer because I have to follow what court SOPs are like,” said Wenny.

Wenny Ariani admitted that his party asked for the 17 billion to have a calculation, amounting to ten billion in non-material and seven billion in material terms.

“Seventeen billion is ten billion immaterially like psychologists, etc., then seven billion is material. That number is open for no reason, because it is calculated for all kinds of insurance,” added Wenny.

The Reason Why Wenny Ariani Lost in the Tangerang Court

Biodata of Wenny Ariani who has children from Rezky Aditya, Rich Widow Owns 4 Houses at the Age of 28 - Suryamalang.com

Previously, Wenny Ariani’s case had been submitted to the Tangerang High Court but Wenny Ariani lost in court because his request for a DNA test was not granted. Finally he appealed.

“I used to fight for a DNA test but my request was not granted, in the end I lost in the Tangerang Court,” said Wenny.

Wenny also explained that it was not that Wenny Ariani didn’t want a DNA test, but what happened was that Wenny had met with Rezky Aditya’s lawyer who said that Rezky wanted a DNA test but secretly provided Wenny’s appeal was withdrawn.

He suddenly rejected this, especially Rezky Adhitya’s side didn’t want Wenny to use a lawyer, of course Wenny didn’t want that.

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