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Photos of Medina Zein in Mental Hospital Spread, Here’s Denise Chariesta’s Comment!

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Celebrity News – Recently a photo has been circulating on social media. The photo shows a woman who is thought to be Medina Zein in the RSJ (Psychiatric Hospital).

Medina Zein is seen in hospital patient clothes and messy hair. He was sitting accompanied by two people smiling when the camera was highlighted.

However, until now it was still uncertain if that figure was really Medina Zein or not.

Denise Medina Zein Values ​​Just Pretend

lawyer medina zein emotion denise chariesta opens post for victim of pandean pandean 79 700

Denise Chariesta as one of the victims of the Medina Zein scam gave her opinion about the viral Medina photo.

He responded by posting a Story uploaded to his Instagram account, @denisechariesta91.

Denise admitted that she was not surprised to hear the news. He himself had expected that something like this would happen at any time.

The woman who was famous for selling bouquets of flowers had thought that Medina Zein would pretend that she had a mental illness in order to escape the law.

“I had predicted that he would pretend to be ODGJ, after that he was hospitalized. Now he disappeared to buy time,” said Denise.

There is no evidence of a doctor’s letter

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Denise then guessed that Medina would not dare to upload evidence of a doctor’s letter explaining her mental illness.

“That’s why he stays there, so why has he been there for so long? Because he couldn’t get a letter that was diagnosed by a doctor about his fraud coming from his ODGJ disease,” said Denise.

Denise hopes the public will not be fooled by Medina’s dirty plan. He also believed that all of Medina’s deceptions were carried out in a sane brain.

Previously, Medina committed fraud with the mode of seducing everyone who became his victim. He did that to make people feel sorry for him.

“You need to remember that he cheats with a conscious mind, uses tricks to seduce the targeted victim, all of his modes are the same. Now what method is he going to use? It’s been read,” said Denise.

“At the very least he will admit to being ODGJ so that people will feel sorry for him,” he continued.

Recently, the name Medina Zein has often appeared on social media. This is because Uya Kuya alleges that Medina is running a scam through the sale of used cars.

Uya Kuya said he had suffered a loss of 100 million rupiah due to the fraud. He also reported the woman to the police.

However, after the case spread, Medina Zein reportedly had a mental illness. Medina’s family and lawyers also confirmed that this was true.

Uya Kuya did not immediately believe the news outright, therefore he asked one of Medina’s assistants, Dedes about the life of his superior.

Uya asked if Medina really showed signs of someone suffering from bipolar disorder.

In one of the videos on Uya Kuya TV’s YouTube channel, Dedes admitted that Medina Zein’s feelings often change from time to time. Therefore, Dedes must always try not to inflame the boss’s anger.

“Sometimes like that, I like to play with my cellphone, then the feeling is not good, I don’t even dare to ask, okay,” said Dedes.

Dedes also told that Medina Zein is a person who often changes in his decisions. He must always be patient when asked to do what he wants.

“The symptoms are like wishy-washy, for a moment he said A, then he said B,” said Dedes.

“For example, he says ‘Des you handle this’, but suddenly it changes ‘no, you take care of this one’,” he continued.

Dedes also admitted that Medina was a forgetful person.

Regarding the problem between his superiors and Uya Kuya, Dedes admitted that he did not know at all.

In response to Medina Zein’s mental illness issue, Uya Kuya also couldn’t say anything. According to him, he is not an experienced person who can give an explanation of such a disease.

“I don’t really understand the problem of mental illness and others, I don’t understand because I’m not an experienced person in that field,” said Uya Kuya when asked by the media crew at Polda Metro Jaya on May 25, 2022.

“I’m not talking here without going out of context, because I don’t understand myself,” continued Uya Kuya, who allegedly didn’t want to overdo it even though he had just reported Medina Zein.

Uya Kuya himself did not know anything about Medina Zein’s current situation.

“Usually a lot of people talk about their capacity, they say they have acute bipolar disorder or something, but in the end they become a laughing stock, so now I don’t want to make any comments,” said Uya Kuya.

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