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Dad was opposed, here are 6 facts about Ingrid Kansil who became a convert

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The World of Artists – Models, presenters, to the world of politics are some of the fields that Ingrid Kansil is engaged in. This woman from Cianjur, West Java is now back in public discussion after it was reported that she converted to Islam. In fact, previously he was also known as a devout Christian.

This Manado and Sundanese blooded actress does have an interesting spiritual journey. Here are facts about the religious conversion of Democratic Party cadre, Ingrid Kansil that you need to know.

Ingrid Kansil Comes from a Plural Family

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The woman’s full name is Hj. Ingrid Maria Palupi Kansil has Manado blood descendants from her father. As is well known, Manado is well-known as a symbol of a plural city in Indonesia. This pluralism is also strong in Ingrid Kansil’s family.

This is because, apart from being of different ethnicity, Ingrid Kansil’s father and mother are also of different religions. Setiabudi, Ingrid’s father is a Christian while her mother, Inne Ruchaeni, is a Muslim.

In podcast YouTube Venna Melinda May 9, 2022, Ingrid explains that her family always gets along even though they follow different religions. “My father and mother used to be of different religions, but still got along in one house. Papa from North Sulawesi, Mama from West Java. Thank God, now everyone has moved,” said Ingrid.

Obedient Christians

Ingrid Kansil

The eldest of four children, he embraced Christianity from a young age as his father embraced. He admits that the spiritual element is very important in his life so he does not want to be half-hearted in religion.

While still a Christian, Ingrid Kansil was also known to be diligent in going to church to worship. “I am one of the most diligent in going to church,” he said at the same event.

Ingrid Kansil believes that God has arranged everything in this world, including her life. I really believe that God is in control of everything. Before converting to Islam, I believed that God had arranged everything,” he continued.

Through a Long Process

Ingrid Kansil’s spiritual journey to embrace Islam took a long time. Ingrid admitted that she embraced the religion brought by the Prophet Muhammad not just because of a dream or a certain moment.

Ingrid had previously studied many religions, not just Islam. “Before converting to Islam, I did study several religions,” said the 47-year-old woman.

He admitted that he had many discussions with his uncle. Incidentally, Ingrid’s uncle had already emigrated to Islam. At his uncle he did not hesitate to ask many things related to differences in religion.

Positive Environmental Support

Not infrequently discrimination or unpleasant actions are experienced by people who change religions. Especially if he has embraced the religion he has held for a long time.

However, Ingrid Kansil did not experience such discrimination, who decided to convert to Islam. His environment has introduced Islam since childhood.

Although he was educated from elementary to junior high school at a Catholic school, in Cianjur, he was not far from the warmth of Islam. Ingrid who was still boarding admitted that his room was used as a place of worship by his Muslim friends.

“During college breaks, my friends used to go to my boarding house and pray,” said Ingrid, reminiscing about her teenage years.

Ingrid admits that every time she sees her friends praying and reading the Koran in front of her, it creates her own pleasure that is difficult to explain. “Well, at that time I was getting curious and asked them about this,” he continued.

Ingrid’s father once opposed his son’s decision to convert to Islam

The decision to embrace Islam for Ingrid was also not smooth at first. He experienced opposition from his own father, Setiabudi Kansil.

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However, his father’s attitude against Syarief Hasan’s wife’s decision did not last long. Over time, Ingrid’s father learned to accept his son’s decisions.

Ingrid’s father embraced Islam

A person’s spiritual journey is indeed difficult to predict. Who would have thought that Ingrid’s father, who initially opposed Ingrid’s decision to convert to Islam, a year later also followed Ingrid’s footsteps by saying the two sentences of the creed.

“Papa, who used to be a Christian, finally converted to Islam, a year after I received guidance,” he said to Venna Melinda with a smile.

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