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Aming Supriatna is back in existence again, admits that he has experienced mental disorders

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Comedian, presenter, and actor Aming Supriatna has returned to enliven the world of entertainment in Indonesia. Finally, his appearance that exposed the chest stole the public’s attention. Who would have thought, it turns out that all this time he also had a mental disorder.

Aming Supriatna’s Appearance Makes Pangling

66576 aming and ariel noah on bcl birthday instagramatamingisback

“The expression was waiting to break the fast. Thank God it hasn’t been canceled until today. How many times have you canceled? Don’t cancel because you see me, okay?” Aming wrote in his photo caption on Instagram, Friday 15 April 2022.

The photo uploaded by Aming Supriatna has indeed shocked many people. It is known that the photo was taken when he was present at Wulan Guritno’s birthday. In the photo, Aming is wearing a kebaya with a chest that looks full.

Aura Kasih Kepo Aming’s chest size


Wearing a kebaya with a black skirt and choker, Aming Supriatna looks sexy. In this post, the artist Aura Kasih was also amazed and asked funny questions.

“The size of our patience beyyyy asa badag (what size bey is that big feeling),” wrote Aura Kasih.

Aming is no less funny. He answered Aura Kasih’s question that her breast size was not much different from Aura Kasih’s. “Not far from you,” said Aming.

Not only Aura Kasih, Cinta Penelope was also moved to comment on the post. “Mbuleet is glaring,” he wrote.

Aming Supriatna: I’m Not That Gay

Along with Aming Supriatna’s popularity in the mid-2015’s, the man born in 1980 was also hit by many negative issues. Aming has been accused of being a gay man. However, that was refuted when he married Evelyn in 2016.

Recently, in an interview with Melaney Ricardo he was outspoken about his sexual orientation. “When I live, I’m not that gay. I don’t like having sex, but when I do it with girls, it works, just like Evelyn,” said Aming, Saturday, April 16, 2022.

Aming Anxious Interviewed by Vincent and Desta

Recently, Aming Supriatna has started to exist and is often invited to various events. Lastly, he also guest starred on the Tonight Show Premiere which airs on Sunday, April 17, 2022.

Still with his colorful quirky appearance, Vincent, Desta, Enzy and Hesti kidnapped Aming. However, Aming looked anxious from the start.

Especially when Desta provoked a conversation by conveying the secret she knew about Aming. “We used to, Pren, let’s talk. I know your stories. Do you remember when you were in the car first?” said Desta.

Hearing this statement, Aming became even more nervous. “What? Why are you nervous?” said Aming.

Aming’s life in his prime

Aming is a multitalented celebrity. He starred in many films, became a presenter, and filled various television shows. One of the television shows that made his name soar was Extravaganza.

Extravaganza lasted up to 6 years in the entertainment industry universe with the presence of Aming. However, this popularity actually made him really depressed.

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“Depression is severe, that’s why I disappeared for three years,” said Aming in response to a question from Vincent about Aming’s life at the peak of his popularity.

Awkward Answering Vincent’s Questions

Aming’s movements, which seemed uneasy with Vincent’s question, could not be hidden. Aming did not immediately answer and several times scratched his body alternately.

“When asked about it, I feel awkward a little bit,” said Aming.

Aming then told that he used to have a mental disorder. With a life that started out alone he suddenly had to be in the boisterous world of entertainment. However, he felt the Extravaganza program gave him the freedom to be himself.

Healing to Overcome Mental Disorders

To overcome all the mental disorders he has, Aming often healing by traveling. It took a long time for Aming to come to terms with the situation and forgive himself. That what happened to him was not his fault.

Aming has been experiencing many heavy burdens in life. He remembered his late father who was often married and Aming never knew what his father was like.

In addition, Aming also admitted that he had experienced harassment. The presence of the Extravaganza changed his life drastically. Until now, Aming considers that everyone is special and there is no need to bully others.

“It doesn’t matter what people are, what I want, at least people have compassion for others,” said Aming towards the end of the discussion session.

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