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Nikita Mirzani VS Sajad Ukra Fight, Nikita: I Can’t Love You Anymore!

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Nikita Mirzani, who is fondly called Nyai, is again in the public spotlight. This time he clashed with his ex-husband Sajad Ukra as well as with Sajad’s current wife, Medina Moesa.

Nyai Nikita sent an open message through her social media account while showing a video clip of Medina Moesa’s live broadcast. by bluntly The mother of three said that her ex-husband Sajad Ukra and Medina Moesa had been married illegally and were leading a miserable life.

Please note, before the marriage of Nikita Mirzani and Sajad Ukra collapsed in 2014. They have a son named Azka Raqilla Mawardi. Azka was then raised alone by Nikita Mirzani until now.

What made Nikita furious this time was the news that Medina Moesa wanted to take Azka from her mother. He wanted to do this so that he could live happily with Sajad Ukra.

Nikita’s Message to Medina Moesa and Her Son’s Abuse

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On April 9, 2022, through personal Instagram Nikita Mirzani (@nikitamirzanimawardi_172) said, “Dear Medina pis***, wife of my ex-husband (unofficially married) I am very sorry for your sad life

“I know your life is not happy, because since 2016 you promised Sajad that you would take Azka away from his beloved mother who always loved and protected him.“he said.

Nikita Mirzani was furious because Medina Moesa uploaded a photo of Azka Raqilla Mawardi. In addition, Medina Moesa also uploaded a photo of Fitri Salhuteru’s child which made the children then experience cyber bullying from netizens.

“Photos of my son were posted and bullied. You also post photos of your children @fitri_salhuteru. All of my girlfriends are taq2. Why is my boyfriend prettier than yours?” continued Nikita Mirzani.

He also suggested that Medina Moesa alltags The president of Russia and Ukraine because he marked too many names in his posts.

Threat to Medina Moesa

Nikita Mirzani’s name is not if he doesn’t half-step over his opponents. Nikita clearly told Medina Moesa to immediately return to Indonesia because she had reported her enemy to the police.

Come here, hurry back to Indonesia, the police, wait for it,” said Nikita. Until now, there has been no response from Medina Moesa’s side to the threat from Nikita.

Crashing Sajad Ukra

Not finished with Medina Moesa alone. Nikita also confronted her ex-husband Sajad Ukra who is currently married to Medina Moesa. A few hours after writing a message to Medina Moesa, Nikita contacted Sajad Ukra last 9/4/2022.

It is known that Sajad Ukra had previously contacted Nikita Mirzani. The main character in the film Nenek Gayung and Comic 8 I can’t understand why his ex still dares to contact him. In addition, he also feels confused by the attitude of Sajad Ukra who is angry but soon seduces Nikita.

Also Read: Spoof of Ownership of Private Jet 99 skipper, Nikita Mirzani Revealing Gilang-Shandy’s Lies?

Once in a while you get angry. You’ve been begging me for a while. I can’t love you anymore. Stop seducing me,” asked Nikita Mirzani at the beginning of his message.

So look for a young Siri wife. Don’t wrinkle like that, we are never ever getting back together (We’ll never be together again –red)! Lol,” he continued.

Without further ado, Nikita said that Sajad Ukra and Medina Moesa’s marriage was not happy. He then suggested that Sajad just remarry to another woman who could bear him a child.

In Nikita’s Instagram upload, she explained that she did not accept that Medina Moesa bumped into her son Azka on social media. Nikita promised not to remain silent on Medina’s actions.

This Jakarta-born woman then gave a message in English which reads, “You know that your wife aka your grandmother bullied your own son with her instagram account“.

So far, there has been no clarification from either Sujad Ukra or Medina Moesa. Nikita has also repeatedly said that he does not hesitate to take this case to court. The clash of the three of them has become a trending topic. More than 30 thousand netizens like uploads from Nyai Nikita who is known to be super outspoken it.

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