AFI Roses

The Decision to Start Opening the Hearts of Mawar AFI Looking for a Prospective Husband with Strict Conditions

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Artist World – After the split of his household in a big blow up by the media. Mawar AFI then chose to end her household relationship with Steno Ricardo.

After officially divorced some time ago, Mawar AFI decided to open her heart, but Mawar set quite heavy conditions as a consequence of the man who would accompany her later, here’s the coverage for you.

Mawar AFI Starts Opening Hearts to Other Men

AFI Roses

After the chaos in his household that ended in divorce, Mawar AFI is ready to find a life partner.

The past experience she had with her ex-husband had left a deep wound. Until now he is determined to be more careful in finding a new partner.

Mawar also told about her heart upheaval when she wanted to open her heart. He is ready to find a new companion, but with some conditions he puts forward. The requirements put forward by Mawar are quite heavy for the man who will accompany her later in life.

The artist with the full name Mawar Dhimas Febra Purwanti expressed her best wishes if she later found her life partner.

Mawar wants her future partner to be able to penetrate the 4 layers of requirements she wants to be her husband in the future.

Mawar feels that the conditions she has put forward are for the sake of her and her children’s happiness later. Mawar AFI wants to find a companion who can make her whole family comfortable and not repeat the mistakes her ex-husband has made in the past. He wants to erase the dark past and replace it with a better future.

Four Layers of Requirements for Mawar AFI’s Prospective Husbands later

Even though Mawar AFI has thought about opening her heart and accepting new people and closing the past. But he put forward very heavy requirements for his prospective life partner. All that he did to protect his family and himself from past trauma.

Like the following statement by Mawar when she was met in a television show Rumpi No Secret on Saturday. 2/4/2022 yesterday.

“If only someone wanted to be close to me now, it would be more difficult. He should be able to break through the 4-tier fortress that is in front of me now.” said Mawar giving her statement.

Those four layers are how he can win the hearts of his three children who have been living with him all this time. Mawar said that “my relationship with the children is very close. I also always take them if I have a loose opportunity,” he explained.

After he was able to convince the three forts, then the last one he also had to be able to penetrate the last fortress, namely himself.

“He must be able to penetrate the defenses of my first child, my second child, my third child and then the last Mawar fortress,” he said to the host of the event.

This was something he found very difficult for a man to do. Considering that most men will only chase their future wife without paying attention to the needs of their continued children.

In addition to the conditions he had mentioned regarding the four layers of fortifications, Mawar also proposed another condition, namely being older than himself. But this is of course not the main requirement, because the most important thing is that the prospective partner can take the heart of his three children.

“I honestly want someone older than me. But if you want to say what a mate is, no one will know how it will end,” he said. The last condition he put forward was that he was single or already a widower.

Mawar said, “I will immediately reject him when he becomes someone’s husband. I want it to be single, it’s okay if it’s durian (cool widower). If it’s a rich problem, don’t ask sis Ros, surely everyone will want it too, what’s important is not someone’s husband,” he concluded, closing the chat.

Sometimes a divorce will bring a person into a better self, regardless of the past. Many single women have succeeded in developing themselves and sending their children to a higher level without remarrying.

Hopefully, Mawar AFI will get happiness again in the future. Closing the pages of the past that is very heartbreaking if it continues to be remembered. Rose will definitely be a strong and shining woman in the future for the happiness of her children later.

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