Angelina Sondakh is still far from Keanu, feels she is not a good mother

Angelina Sondakh is still far from Keanu, feels she is not a good mother

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Celebrity Info – Angelina Sondakh admits that until now he is still awkward with his own child, Keanu Massaid.

Angelina Sondakh tries to approach Keanu

Angelina Sondakh can't hold back the emotion after breathing free air

Previously, Angelina Sondakh was serving a 10-year sentence due to being entangled in the Wisma Atlet corruption case.

When serving his sentence, he had to leave Keanu who was then only 2.5 years old.

After the wife of the late Adjie Massaid was released from prison, Keanu was 12 years old.

Too long apart makes the distance between Angelina Sondakh and her child.

Now the woman who is fondly called Angie admits that she is still approaching Keanu.

“Keanu and I are still at the approaching stage,” Angie said in a broadcast on the Celebrity Oncam News YouTube channel, on March 30, 2022.

“I have to grope Keanu, because it can’t be helped, I know he still has a distance from me,” he continued.

This made the former Miss Indonesia 2001 hit hard.

“That’s what always makes me a little sad,” he said.

Even so, Angie did not give up. He kept trying to get close to his son.

The way he does it is to prepare breakfast for online school needs.

“Because Keanu is now an online school, I’m trying to prepare his breakfast, prepare his clothes,”

“After that, also prepare the school needs that he needs,” he explained.

Now, Angie is learning about the changing times and today’s technology.

“I have to learn a lot about what it’s like nowadays, what kind of technology, what kind of online school,”

“And actually that’s what makes Keanu so insecure (discussing) with me, I myself also don’t have confidence in Keanu,” he explained.

With tears in her eyes, Angie said she was not a good mother to Keanu.

This is because she could not keep her late husband’s mandate to take care of all her children.

This is still a psychological burden on Angie.

“I felt that I was not a good mother figure, I left Keanu too long,” said Angie.

“Keanu was left by his father when he was 1.5 years old, then at 2.5 years old he had to be separated from me too.”

“It became a psychological burden, and made me very sorry,” he said.

Meanwhile, Angelina Zondakh made a pilgrimage to her husband’s grave ahead of Ramadan.

Angelina Sondakh visits the grave of her husband, Adjie Massaid at Jeruk Purut TPU, South Jakarta, on March 30, 2022.

Towards the month of Ramadan, Angie came to the grave to pray.

Angie seemed to bring sow flowers and several flower stalks to beautify her husband’s grave.

He was accompanied by Adjie Massaid’s younger brother, Mudjie Massaid, and also the YouTube team of Keema Entertainment.

Not to forget, she asked the community for prayers for her late husband.

Angelina Sondakh Regrets Being Imprisoned For 10 Years, Sad Can’t Take Care of Children

After being released, Angie said she was grateful to the closest people who had helped a lot during her detention.

He planned to visit them to express his gratitude.

Among those who contributed, there was Mudjie Massaid, his brother-in-law.

In one of the videos on Keema Entertainment’s YouTube channel on March 23, 2022, Angie admitted that Mudjie is the one who always guides her son, namely Keanu Massaid.

Mudjie’s upbringing made Keanu become independent.

Angie was proud and amazed to see the development of the child.

“I’m very grateful,” he said.

Angie also shared her experience while still in prison.

He still clearly remembers that at that time Keanu was in the 4th grade of elementary school.

Keanu visits Angie and they eat together. But, at that time Keanu could not use a spoon and fork.

“I remember when Keanu was in 4th grade he came to me and he didn’t know how to use a spoon and fork.”

“At that time, I said ‘Keanu, let’s eat together’, and I saw that he still couldn’t use a spoon and fork,” said Angie.

Remembering this, Angie felt sorry for not being able to educate Keanu, whom she had left at the age of 2.5 years.

“Then he eats the rice until it falls apart everywhere, as a mother, I feel very sorry.”

“I can not educate my own children,” said Angie.

However, Mudjie brushed it off and insisted that it was not Angie’s fault.

“No, it’s not your fault Angie,” said Mudjie.

Mudjie Massaid always tries to strengthen Angie.

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